
Variable Name: device_status

Variable ID: 0x0097

Variable Label:

Variable Help: Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | HART

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: BitEnum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0001 Process applied to the primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device
0x0002 Process applied to the non-primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device
0x0004 Analog output 1 and its digital representation are outside the operating range limits, and not responding to input
0x0008 Analog output 1 and its digital representation are in fixed mode, and not responsive to input changes
0x0010 Field device has more status available
0x0020 A reset or self test of the field device has occurred, or power has been removed and reapplied
0x0040 A modification has been made to the configuration of the field device
0x0080 Field device has malfunctioned due to a hardware error or failure

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
128 4093 read_line_size_mf
129 4094 read_span_setting
130 4095 read_flow_user_unit
131 4096 read_analog_setting
132 4097 read_magflow_zero
133 4098 read_display_select
134 4099 read_total_rate
135 409A read_total_setting
136 409B read_pulse_setting
137 409C read_aux
138 409D read_alarm_value
139 409E read_alarm_setting
140 409F read_alm_record1
141 40A0 read_alm_record2
142 40A1 read_alm_record3
143 40A2 read_alm_record4
144 40A3 read_output_function
145 40A4 read_forward_span
146 40A5 read_reverse_span
147 40A6 read_model_specification
148 40A7 read_serial_number
149 40A8 read_test
150 40A9 read_flow_rate
151 40AA read_memo1
152 40AB read_memo2
153 40AC read_memo3
157 40B0 read_adhesion
248 40CE read_joker_password_log
249 40CF read_password_for_enable_write
0 00AE read_unique_identifier
1 00AF read_pv
2 00B0 read_pv_current_and_percent_range
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current
12 00B4 read_message
13 00B5 read_tag_descriptor_date
14 00B6 read_pv_sensor_info
15 00B7 read_pv_output_info
16 00B8 read_final_assembly_number
48 0FCE read_additional_transmitter_status

Variable Write Command List
