Variable Name: DS_LastDiagnostics1_1
Variable ID: 0x40D0
Variable Label: Previous diagnostics 1
Variable Help: Indication of the diagnostics messages appeared in the past.
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Dynamic
Variable Size: 2
Variable DataType: Enum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0000 | OK |
0x4105 | F261-Electronic failure |
0x4001 | F001-Device error |
0x4029 | F041-Sensor broken |
0x4323 | F803-Current loop |
0x412D | F301-Supply voltage |
0x40C9 | F201-Electronic error |
0x40F1 | F241-Electronic software |
0x411B | F283-Memory content |
0x411A | F282-Electronic memory |
0x41B6 | F438-Dataset |
0x41AF | F431-Factory calibration |
0x40F2 | F242-Software incompatible |
0x420D | F525-HART communication |
0x439D | F925-Device temperature |
0x419A | F410-Data transfer |
0x41B5 | F437-Configuration |
0x41B3 | F435-Linearization |
0x40DD | F221-Electronic reference |
0x402B | F043-Short circuit |
0x403E | F062-Sensor connection |
0x402A | F042-Sensor corroded |
0x434A | F842-Process limit |
0x402D | F045-Operating range |
0x4066 | F102-Range overshot |
0x4065 | F101-Range undershot |
0x4069 | F105-Calibration interval |
0x402C | F044-Sensor drift |
0x219B | C411-Up-/Download |
0x21C3 | C451-Data handling |
0x21E3 | C483-Input simulation |
0x21E5 | C485-Simulation measured value |
0x21EB | C491-Simulation current output |
0x2191 | C401-Factory reset |
0x2192 | C402-Configuration initialization |
0x21F5 | C501-CDI connection |
0x139D | S925-Device temperature |
0x134A | S842-Process limit |
0x1066 | S102-Range overshot |
0x1065 | S101-Range undershot |
0x102C | S044-Sensor drift |
0x31B6 | M438-Dataset |
0x302A | M042-Sensor corroded |
0x334A | M842-Process limit |
0x3069 | M105-Calibration interval |
0x3006 | M006-Sensor redundance active |
0x302C | M044-Sensor drift |
0x3068 | M104-Sensor backup active |
0x306A | M106-Backup not available |
0x3106 | M262-Module connection |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
184 | 4151 | last_diagnostic |
Variable Write Command List