Variable Name: D3
Variable ID: 0x40DD
Variable Label: D3
Variable Help: The density, in g/cc, of the water or other high-density fluid that is used during a 4-point density calibration with Micro Motion T-series sensors. D3 can represent the D3 value for a Micro Motion T-series sensor.
Variable Handling: R/W
Variable Class: Correction
Variable Size: 4
Variable DataType: Float
Variable Display Format: |en|6.5f
Variable Edit Format: |en|6.5f
Variable Unit:
Variable Max:
Variable Min:
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
190 | 41D4 | read_additional_density_parameters |
Variable Write Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
191 | 41D5 | write_additional_density_parameters |