Variable Name: Process_Variable_Code_22
Variable ID: 0x49E0
Variable Label: Var Code 22
Variable Help: The process variable of which display precision can be set
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Device
Variable Size: 1
Variable DataType: Enum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0001 | Temperature |
0x0003 | Density |
0x0015 | Density at Reference (CM) |
0x0016 | ED: Dens (SGU) |
0x001A | ED: Net Mass flo |
0x001D | ED: Net Vol flo |
0x0020 | ED: Concentration |
0x002F | Drive Gain |
0x0030 | Meter Temperature (T-Series) |
0x0031 | Left Pickoff Amplitude |
0x0032 | Right Pickoff Amplitude |
0x0033 | Board Temperature |
0x0034 | Input Voltage |
0x0035 | External Pressure |
0x0037 | External Temperature |
0x009F | User-Defined Calculation Output |
0x00A0 | Sensor Time Period (A) |
0x00A1 | Tube-Case Temp Difference |
0x00A2 | Dynamic Viscosity |
0x00A3 | Kinematic Viscosity |
0x00A4 | Referred Viscosity |
0x00A6 | Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index |
0x00A7 | Calculated Ignition Index |
0x00A8 | Quality Factor |
0x00AA | Gas Specific Gravity |
0x00AB | Relative Density |
0x00AC | Molecular Weight |
0x00AD | Compressibility |
0x00AE | Wobbe Index |
0x00AF | Calorific Value |
0x00B0 | Percent CO2 |
0x00B1 | Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter |
0x00B2 | Gas Base Density |
0x00B4 | Mass Flow |
0x00B5 | Percent N2 |
0x00B6 | Percent H2 |
0x00B7 | Percent CO |
0x00B8 | Volume Flow at Reference Temperature |
0x00B9 | Mass Flow Rate |
0x00BA | Energy Flow |
0x00D0 | Velocity |
0x00D7 | Sensor Time Period |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Variable Write Command List