
Variable Name: flow_switch_hysteresis

Variable ID: 0x4049

Variable Label: Hysteresis (0.1-10.0)

Variable Help: If the hysteresis is set to 5%, no change of the discrete output state occurs when the flow rate is within +-5% of the setpoint. If the setpoint is 100 lb/min and the first reading is below 95 lb/min, the flow switch turns on and will stay on until the flow rate rises above 105 lb/min. At this point it turns off, and will stay off until the flow rate drops below 95 lb/min.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Correction

Variable Size: 4

Variable DataType: Float

Variable Display Format: |en|4.1f

Variable Edit Format: |en|4.1f

Variable Unit:

Variable Max:

Variable Min:

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
138 4045 read_flow_switch_setpoint

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
139 404A write_flow_switch_setpoint