
Variable Name: varElectronicsInformationAdditionalElectronics_ElectronicsVariant

Variable ID: 0x4278

Variable Label: Electronics version

Variable Help: Version of the connected supplementary electronics

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Device

Variable Size: 2

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 ---
0x0001 PS60HC
0x0002 PS60HK
0x0003 PS60HS
0x0004 PS60PAC
0x0005 PS60PAK
0x0006 PS60PAS
0x0007 PS60FFC
0x0008 PS60FFK
0x0009 PS60FFS
0x000C PS60WLH
0x000D PS60WLPA
0x000E PS60WLFF
0x000F FX80H
0x0010 FX80HSIL
0x0011 FX80PA
0x0012 FX80FF
0x0014 BR80H
0x0015 BR80HSIL
0x0016 BR80PA
0x0017 BR80FF
0x0018 BR80Z
0x0019 BR80HK
0x001A BR80HKSIL
0x001B BR80PAK
0x001C BR80FFK
0x001D BR80ZK
0x001E PS60HW
0x001F PS60PAW
0x0020 PS60FFW
0x0021 FX80MB
0x0022 PS64HW
0x0023 BR18-2L
0x0024 BR18-2LE
0x0025 BR18-2LEB
0x0026 BR18-3L

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
134 4289 cmd_COMMAND134

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
135 428A cmd_COMMAND135