Variable Name: level_pv
Variable ID: 0x402D
Variable Label: PV
Variable Help: LEVEL PV is a function which allows the user to determine which variable the OUTPUT of the MT5100 will be based upon. Selections for OUTPUT are Total and Interface. Total and Interface are the actual linear measurements the MT5100 is interpreting from its configuration. Total is the top level of all liquids and Interface is the level of the lower liquid in the vessel.
Variable Handling: R/W
Variable Class: Device
Variable Size: 1
Variable DataType: Enum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0000 | Total |
0x0001 | Interface |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
151 | 4075 | read_basic_device_setup |
Variable Write Command List