
Variable Name: device_status

Variable ID: 0x0097

Variable Label: Device status

Variable Help: Field Device Status- Data indicating that the Field Device has detected condition(s) in the Field Device relating to: its hardware / the validity of a variable / its operating status / an internal process

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | HART

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: BitEnum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0001 Process applied to the primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device
0x0002 Process applied to the non-primary variable is outside the operating limits of the field device
0x0004 Analog output 1 and its digital representation are outside the operating range limits, and not responding to input
0x0008 Analog output 1 and its digital representation are in fixed mode, and not responsive to input changes
0x0010 Field device has more status available
0x0020 A reset or self test of the field device has occurred, or power has been removed and reapplied
0x0040 A modification has been made to the configuration of the field device
0x0080 Field device has malfunctioned due to a hardware error or failure

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
134 4159 read_transmitter_specifics
135 415A read_sensors_extra_configuration
136 415B read_sensor1_configuration
137 415C read_sensor2_configuration
138 415D read_url1_lrl1
139 415E read_key_number
140 415F read_tableII
141 4160 read_tableIII
142 4161 read_time_in_svc
144 4163 read_sens1_last_calib_time_date
148 4167 read_power_fail_time_date
149 4168 read_ET_upper_value
150 4169 read_ET_lower_value
151 4312 read_cvd1_high_low_limits
155 416A read_op_voltage
157 416C read_M360_coreT_upTrk
158 416D read_M360_coreT_dnTrk
159 416E read_AVDD_max
160 416F read_AVDD_min
161 4170 read_install_date
162 4171 read_sensor_stress_monitor
164 4173 read_table_IV
165 4174 read_prev_calib_time_date
166 4175 read_curr_calib_time_date
167 4176 read_reset_correct_time_date
153 4313 read_database_ID_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
154 4314 read_config_history_new
179 417D read_sensor1_and_sensor2_limits1
185 417E read_sensor1_and_sensor2_limits2
186 417F read_sensor_time_in_svc
187 4180 read_dev_fw_ver
188 4181 read_loop_hysterisis_dampval
211 4190 read_general_disp_conf
212 4191 read_disp_fw_ver
213 4192 read_error_log_1
214 4193 read_error_log_2
216 4195 read_elog_ed
218 4197 read_PV_highest_lowest_values
219 4198 read_SV_highest_values
220 4199 read_detailed_status
222 419B read_sens_fw_ver
228 41A1 read_avlble_for_maint_flag
230 41A2 read_tamper_parameters
247 41A6 read_SV_lowest_values
64771 41AA read_disp_view_info_I
64771 41AA read_disp_view_info_I
64772 41AB read_disp_view_info_II
64772 41AB read_disp_view_info_II
64773 41AC read_disp_view_info_III
64773 41AC read_disp_view_info_III
64786 42E5 read_cvd1_coefficients
64794 41B1 read_sens1_calib_points
64796 42EE read_DO_alarmtypes_setpoints
64802 42EF read_cvd1activate
64807 41B3 read_sens_et_upTrk
64808 41B4 read_sens_et_dnTrk
64809 41B5 read_sh1_SH2
64816 41BB read_scratch_pad
64818 41BD read_Namur_level
64822 42F1 read_sensor1_sensor2_resistance
0 00AE read_unique_identifier
1 00AF read_pv
2 00B0 read_pv_current_and_percent_range
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current
9 00DD read_device_variables_and_status
7 00DB read_loop_configuration
8 00DC read_dynamic_variable_classification
14 00B6 read_pv_sensor_info
15 00B7 read_pv_output_info
12 00B4 read_message
13 00B5 read_tag_descriptor_date
16 00B8 read_final_assembly_number
20 00DE read_long_tag
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
33 1054 read_device_variables
76 1045 read_lock_device_state

Variable Write Command List
