
Variable Name: response_code

Variable ID: 0x0096

Variable Label: Response code

Variable Help: Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself.

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Diagnostic | HART

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 Success
0x0002 Invalid selection
0x0003 Value was too high
0x0004 Value was too low
0x0005 Too few data bytes received
0x0006 Field device specific error
0x0007 In write protect mode
0x0010 Access restricted
0x0020 Busy
0x0021 Delayed response initiated
0x0022 Delayed response running
0x0023 Delayed response dead
0x0024 Delayed response conflict
0x0040 Command not implemented

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
128 403D ReadLocationStringVariables
130 4041 ReadVersion
136 4043 ReadSerialNumber
137 4048 ReadOneLowFloat
139 404D ReadOneLowInteger
143 4054 ReadOneLowUnsignedInteger
153 4057 iReadProcessEvents
147 405B ReadOneLowString
149 406E ReadClassifiedStatus
220 40E7 ReadAnalogChannelsHART
176 4117 ReadHARTOutputLoopA
177 4118 ReadHARTOutputLoopsB
178 4119 ReadHARTOutputLoopC
170 4122 ReadDeviceMappingVariableHARTModule
171 4123 ReadLocationStringVariableHARTModule
173 4125 ReadVersionsAndSNHARTModule
208 4127 ReadDate
210 412A ReadTime
180 415B ReadLocationStringVariableSC200
182 4160 ReadVersionsAndSNSC200
183 4163 ReadDiagnosticsSC200
186 418D ReadOutput_1_SC200
187 418E ReadOutput_2_SC200
189 41CC ReadOneLowFloatSC200
191 421D ReadLowUnsignedIntegerSC200
192 421E ReadRelayA_1_SC200
193 421F ReadRelayA_2_SC200
194 4220 ReadRelayB_1_SC200
195 4221 ReadRelayB_2_SC200
196 4222 ReadRelayC_1_SC200
197 4223 ReadRelayC_2_SC200
198 4224 ReadRelayD_1_SC200
199 4225 ReadRelayD_2_SC200
201 423C ReadHighFloatSC200_1
202 423D ReadHighFloatSC200_2
204 4263 ReadHighUnsignedIntegerSC200
205 4267 ReadOneLowUnsignedLongIntegerSC200
206 4275 ReadHighUnsignedLongIntegerSC200
207 4278 ReadLowStringVariableSC200
0 00AE read_unique_identifier
1 00AF read_pv
2 00B0 read_pv_current_and_percent_range
3 00B1 read_dynamic_variables_and_pv_current
9 00DD read_device_variables_and_status
7 00DB read_loop_configuration
8 00DC read_dynamic_variable_classification
14 00B6 read_pv_sensor_info
15 00B7 read_pv_output_info
12 00B4 read_message
13 00B5 read_tag_descriptor_date
16 00B8 read_final_assembly_number
20 00DE read_long_tag
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
50 1052 read_device_variable_assignments

Variable Write Command List
