
Variable Name: CTI_Cycle_Dbnd

Variable ID: 0x4083

Variable Label: Cycle Deadband

Variable Help: Enter the desired Valve Cycle Deadband in percent of full stroke. Valve Cycle Deadband defines how large a stem movement is allowed before a cycle is counted in the Valve Cycle Counter. A cycle is counted when the stem has moved more than the amount of the deadband in either direction. Enter this variable as an absolute number. For example, if a deadband of +/-10% is desired. Cycle Deadband should be entered as 10.

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: Service | InputBlock

Variable Size: 2

Variable DataType: Integer

Variable Display Format: |en|5.2f

Variable Edit Format: |en|5.2f

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: 10000

Variable Min: 0

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
173 4130 Read_Valve_Travel_Cycle_Count

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
174 4131 Write_Valve_Travel_Cycle_Count_parameters