
Variable Name: DS_LastDiagnostics7_1

Variable ID: 0x4095

Variable Label: Previous diagnostics 7

Variable Help: Display of the diagnostic messages that have occurred in the past.

Variable Handling: R

Variable Class: Dynamic

Variable Size: 2

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 OK
0x0029 041-Sensor interrupted
0x002A 042-Sensor corroded
0x002B 043-Short circuit
0x002F 047-Sensor limit reached
0x0091 145-Compensation refrence point
0x00C9 201-Electronics faulty
0x00DD 221-Reference sensor defective
0x0191 401-Factory reset active
0x0192 402-Initialization active
0x019A 410-Data transfer failed
0x019B 411-Up-/download active
0x01B3 435-Linearization faulty
0x01E5 485-Process variable simulation active
0x01EB 491-Output simulation
0x01EF 495-Diagnostic event simulation active
0x0213 531-Factory adjustment missing
0x0219 537-Configuration
0x0246 582-Sensor diagnostics TC deactivated
0x0321 801-Supply voltage too low
0x0339 825-Operating temperature
0x034C 844-Process value out of specification
0x1029 S041-Sensor interrupted
0x102A S042-Sensor corroded
0x102B S043-Short circuit
0x102F S047-Sensor limit reached
0x1091 S145-Compensation refrence point
0x10C9 S201-Electronics faulty
0x10DD S221-Reference sensor defective
0x1191 S401-Factory reset active
0x1192 S402-Initialization active
0x119A S410-Data transfer failed
0x119B S411-Up-/download active
0x11B3 S435-Linearization faulty
0x11E5 S485-Process variable simulation active
0x11EB S491-Output simulation
0x11EF S495-Diagnostic event simulation active
0x1213 S531-Factory adjustment missing
0x1219 S537-Configuration
0x1246 S582-Sensor diagnostics TC deactivated
0x1321 S801-Supply voltage too low
0x1339 S825-Operating temperature
0x134C S844-Process value out of specification
0x2029 C041-Sensor interrupted
0x202A C042-Sensor corroded
0x202B C043-Short circuit
0x202F C047-Sensor limit reached
0x2091 C145-Compensation refrence point
0x20C9 C201-Electronics faulty
0x20DD C221-Reference sensor defective
0x2191 C401-Factory reset active
0x2192 C402-Initialization active
0x219A C410-Data transfer failed
0x219B C411-Up-/download active
0x21B3 C435-Linearization faulty
0x21E5 C485-Process variable simulation active
0x21EB C491-Output simulation
0x21EF C495-Diagnostic event simulation active
0x2213 C531-Factory adjustment missing
0x2219 C537-Configuration
0x2246 C582-Sensor diagnostics TC deactivated
0x2321 C801-Supply voltage too low
0x2339 C825-Operating temperature
0x234C C844-Process value out of specification
0x3029 M041-Sensor interrupted
0x302A M042-Sensor corroded
0x302B M043-Short circuit
0x302F M047-Sensor limit reached
0x3091 M145-Compensation refrence point
0x30C9 M201-Electronics faulty
0x30DD M221-Reference sensor defective
0x3191 M401-Factory reset active
0x3192 M402-Initialization active
0x319A M410-Data transfer failed
0x319B M411-Up-/download active
0x31B3 M435-Linearization faulty
0x31E5 M485-Process variable simulation active
0x31EB M491-Output simulation
0x31EF M495-Diagnostic event simulation active
0x3213 M531-Factory adjustment missing
0x3219 M537-Configuration
0x3246 M582-Sensor diagnostics TC deactivated
0x3321 M801-Supply voltage too low
0x3339 M825-Operating temperature
0x334C M844-Process value out of specification
0x4029 F041-Sensor interrupted
0x402A F042-Sensor corroded
0x402B F043-Short circuit
0x402F F047-Sensor limit reached
0x4091 F145-Compensation refrence point
0x40C9 F201-Electronics faulty
0x40DD F221-Reference sensor defective
0x4191 F401-Factory reset active
0x4192 F402-Initialization active
0x419A F410-Data transfer failed
0x419B F411-Up-/download active
0x41B3 F435-Linearization faulty
0x41E5 F485-Process variable simulation active
0x41EB F491-Output simulation
0x41EF F495-Diagnostic event simulation active
0x4213 F531-Factory adjustment missing
0x4219 F537-Configuration
0x4246 F582-Sensor diagnostics TC deactivated
0x4321 F801-Supply voltage too low
0x4339 F825-Operating temperature
0x434C F844-Process value out of specification

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
176 41B4 ReadLastDiagnostics

Variable Write Command List
