
Variable Name: flow_units_original

Variable ID: 0x40CF

Variable Label: PV unit

Variable Help: Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit

Variable Handling: R/W

Variable Class: InputBlock

Variable Size: 1

Variable DataType: Enum

Variable Enum Value Variable Enum Text
0x0000 m3/d
0x0001 m3/h
0x0002 m3/m
0x0003 m3/s
0x0004 l/d
0x0005 l/h
0x0006 l/m
0x0007 l/s
0x0008 cm3/d
0x0009 cm3/h
0x000A cm3/m
0x000B cm3/s
0x008C t/d
0x008D t/h
0x008E t/m
0x008F t/s
0x0090 kg/d
0x0091 kg/h
0x0092 kg/m
0x0093 kg/s
0x0094 g/d
0x0095 g/h
0x0096 g/m
0x0097 g/s
0x0024 BPD
0x0025 BPH
0x0026 BPM
0x0027 BPS
0x001C kGPD
0x001D kGPH
0x001E kGPM
0x001F kGPS
0x0028 IGPD
0x0029 IGPH
0x002A IGPM
0x002B IGPS
0x002C kIGPD
0x002D kIGPH
0x002E kIGPM
0x002F kIGPS
0x0030 mIGPD
0x0031 mIGPH
0x0032 mIGPM
0x0033 mIGPS
0x0018 GPD
0x0019 GPH
0x001A GPM
0x001B GPS
0x0020 mGPD
0x0021 mGPH
0x0022 mGPM
0x0023 mGPS
0x00B4 lb/d
0x00B5 lb/h
0x00B6 lb/m
0x00B7 lb/s

Variable Display Format:

Variable Edit Format:

Variable Unit:

Variable Max: N/A

Variable Min: N/A

Variable Read Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
233 40F4 read_flow_units_original

Variable Write Command List

Command Number Command ID Command Name
234 40F5 write_flow_units_original