Variable Name: analog_output_fixed1
Variable ID: 0x0FCB
Variable Label: AO fixed
Variable Help: Field Device Specific Dynamic Variable Analog Output Fixed- Data that indicates which of the Analog Outputs are, or are not, Fixed. The analog and digital Analog Outputs for the Dynamic Variable are held at a constant value (depending on the Mode of the Field Device). They will not respond to the applied process.
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | AnalogOut
Variable Size: 1
Variable DataType: BitEnum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0001 | AO1 In fixed mode |
0x0002 | AO2 In fixed mode |
0x0004 | AO3 In fixed mode |
0x0008 | AO4 In fixed mode |
0x0010 | AO5 In fixed mode |
0x0020 | AO6 In fixed mode |
0x0040 | AO7 In fixed mode |
0x0080 | AO8 In fixed mode |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Variable Write Command List