Variable Name: device_specific_status_1_4
Variable ID: 0x4001
Variable Label: Warning status
Variable Help:
Variable Handling: R
Variable Class: Dynamic | Diagnostic | HART
Variable Size: 4
Variable DataType: BitEnum
Variable Enum Value | Variable Enum Text |
0x0001 | Observation #0: Electromagnetic or acoustic interference detected.. Move cabling away from potential noise source, Contact 3-Sci if persists. |
0x0002 | Warning #1: Signal energy between echoes. Potential sensor damage or metal thickness below system minimum. Validate via Full Waveform or contact 3-Sci |
0x0004 | Warning #2: Early arrival of front wall echo. Possible hardware problem or transmitter configured for different sensor type. |
0x0008 | Warning #3: Late arrival of front wall echo. Possible hardware problem or transmitter configured for different sensor type |
0x0010 | Observation #4: Increased 'Measurement Uncertainty' value. Calculation method discrepancy. Optionally validate via Full Waveform. |
0x0020 | Observation #5: Gain at minimum level |
0x0040 | Observation #6: Small amplitude of primary echo in relation to secondary echo. Increased 'Measurement Uncertainty' value. |
0x0080 | Observation #7: Primary echo amplitude smaller than ideal. Monitor 'Measurement Uncertainty' value for increases. |
0x0100 | Observation #8: Two back wall echoes or slopes are of comparable magnitude. Lowest thickness recorded. Monitor 'Measurement Uncertainty' value for increases |
0x0200 | Observation #9: Two primary echoes or slopes are of comparable magnitude. Monitor 'Measurement Uncertainty' value for increases.. |
0x0400 | Warning #10: Amplification setting saturated primary echo. Retry measurement. |
0x0800 | Warning #11: Small front wall echo. Retry measurement. |
0x1000 | Observation #12: Small back wall echo indicates imperfect adhesive or clamped installation. Increased measurement uncertainty |
0x2000 | Observation #13: Large variation in averaged thicknesses, indicative of a poor adhesive bond. Increased 'Measurement Uncertainty' value. |
0x4000 | Warning #14: Temperature of pipe outside of operational range |
0x8000 | Observation #15: Measurement technique Back Wall Echo Multiple. |
0x10000 | Warning #16: Wireless unit operational temperature range exceeded |
0x20000 | Warning #17: External Temperature Probe not connected |
Variable Display Format:
Variable Edit Format:
Variable Unit:
Variable Max: N/A
Variable Min: N/A
Variable Read Command List
Command Number | Command ID | Command Name |
48 | 1043 | read_additional_device_status |
Variable Write Command List