RefID Label Description
0x178F013C var_dir8_help This is an array of a 1-octet enumeration with 8 elements, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F013D var_dir16_label Variable Direction 16
0x178F013E var_dir16_help This is an array of a 1-octet enumeration with 16 elements, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F013F var_dir32_label Variable Direction 32
0x178F0140 var_dir32_help This is an array of a 1-octet enumeration with 32 elements, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F0141 var_dir64_label Variable Direction 64
0x178F0142 var_dir64_help This is an array of a 1-octet enumeration with 64 elements, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F0143 dup_var_name_def_16_label Duplicate Variable Name Definition 16
0x178F0144 dup_var_name_def_16_help A 16 bit bit string where the bits are set according to DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES16.NAME1.
0x178F0145 dup_var_name_def_32_label Duplicate Variable Name Definition 32
0x178F0146 dup_var_name_def_32_help A 32 bit bit string where the bits are set according to DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES32.NAME1.
0x178F0147 dup_var_name_def_64_label Duplicate Variable Name Definition 64
0x178F0148 dup_var_name_def_64_help A 32 bit bitstring where the bits are set according to the name which raises a DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES64A.NAME_1. MSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES64B.NAME_32. Refer to FF-890-1.2 Function Block Application Part 1, section 5.2 for definition of LSB and MSB in Bit String.
0x178F0149 process_value_b_33_label Process Value B 33
0x178F014A process_value_b_34_label Process Value B 34
0x178F014B process_value_b_35_label Process Value B 35
0x178F014C process_value_b_36_label Process Value B 36
0x178F014D process_value_b_37_label Process Value B 37
0x178F014E process_value_b_38_label Process Value B 38
0x178F014F process_value_b_39_label Process Value B 39
0x178F0150 process_value_b_40_label Process Value B 40
0x178F0151 process_value_b_41_label Process Value B 41
0x178F0152 process_value_b_42_label Process Value B 42
0x178F0153 process_value_b_43_label Process Value B 43
0x178F0154 process_value_b_44_label Process Value B 44
0x178F0155 process_value_b_45_label Process Value B 45
0x178F0156 process_value_b_46_label Process Value B 46
0x178F0157 process_value_b_47_label Process Value B 47
0x178F0158 process_value_b_48_label Process Value B 48
0x178F0159 process_value_b_49_label Process Value B 49
0x178F015A process_value_b_50_label Process Value B 50
0x178F015B process_value_b_51_label Process Value B 51
0x178F015C process_value_b_52_label Process Value B 52
0x178F015D process_value_b_53_label Process Value B 53
0x178F015E process_value_b_54_label Process Value B 54
0x178F015F process_value_b_55_label Process Value B 55
0x178F0160 process_value_b_56_label Process Value B 56
0x178F0161 process_value_b_57_label Process Value B 57
0x178F0162 process_value_b_58_label Process Value B 58
0x178F0163 process_value_b_59_label Process Value B 59
0x178F0164 process_value_b_60_label Process Value B 60
0x178F0165 process_value_b_61_label Process Value B 61
0x178F0166 process_value_b_62_label Process Value B 62
0x178F0167 process_value_b_63_label Process Value B 63
0x178F0168 process_value_b_64_label Process Value B 64
0x178F0169 expd_manufac_id_label Expected Manufacturer ID
0x178F016A expd_manufac_id_help Expected Manufacturer ID is a parameter that the configuration tool expects to describe the VFD referred to by VFD_REF. The actual values can be determined by accessing the resource block of the VFD referred to via VFD_REF. If there is a mismatch, it shall also be reflected in the ELEM_MISMAT_xx as described in FF-061.
0x178F016B expd_dev_type_label Expected Device Type
0x178F016C expd_dev_type_help Expected Device Type is a parameter that the configuration tool expects to describe the VFD referred to by VFD_REF. The actual values can be determined by accessing the resource block of the VFD referred to via VFD_REF. If there is a mismatch, it shall also be reflected in the ELEM_MISMAT_xx as described in FF-061.
0x178F016D expd_dev_rev_label Expected Device Revision
RefID Label Description