RefID Label Description
0x178F00D8 process_value_b_18_label Process Value B 18
0x178F00D9 process_value_b_19_label Process Value B 19
0x178F00DA process_value_b_20_label Process Value B 20
0x178F00DB process_value_b_21_label Process Value B 21
0x178F00DC process_value_b_22_label Process Value B 22
0x178F00DD process_value_b_23_label Process Value B 23
0x178F00DE process_value_b_24_label Process Value B 24
0x178F00DF process_value_b_25_label Process Value B 25
0x178F00E0 process_value_b_26_label Process Value B 26
0x178F00E1 process_value_b_27_label Process Value B 27
0x178F00E2 process_value_b_28_label Process Value B 28
0x178F00E3 process_value_b_29_label Process Value B 29
0x178F00E4 process_value_b_30_label Process Value B 30
0x178F00E5 process_value_b_31_label Process Value B 31
0x178F00E6 process_value_b_32_label Process Value B 32
0x178F00E7 var_names4_entry_label Var Names 4 Array Entry
0x178F00E8 var_names4_entry_help Var Names 4 Array Entry
0x178F00E9 var_names4_label Var Names 4
0x178F00EA var_names4_help Array of 4 Visible Strings to configure the channel tags as described in FF-061.
0x178F00EB var_dir9_label Variable Direction 9
0x178F00EC var_dir9_help This is an array of 1-octet enumeration with 9 elements, one for each HART device variables, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F00ED var_dir9_undefined_label Undefined
0x178F00EE var_dir9_undefined_help Direction not defined.
0x178F00EF var_dir9_input_label Input
0x178F00F0 var_dir9_input_help Direction is input.
0x178F00F1 var_dir9_output_label Output
0x178F00F2 var_dir9_output_help Direction is output.
0x178F00F3 publish_control_label Publish Control
0x178F00F4 publish_control_help (0 = Off; 1 = Enable Publish on token-passing data-link layer only (wired); 2 = Enable Publish on TDMA data-link layer only (wireless); 3 = Enable Publish on TDMA and token-passing data-link layers)
0x178F00F5 publish_control_off_label Off
0x178F00F6 publish_control_off_help Disable burst data publishing.
0x178F00F7 publish_control_enable_dll_label Data link layer publishing.
0x178F00F8 publish_control_enable_dll_help Enable Publish on token-passing data-link layer only (wired)
0x178F00F9 publish_control_enable_tdma_label TMDA publishing
0x178F00FA publish_control_enable_tdma_help Enable Publish on TDMA data-link layer only (wireless)
0x178F00FB publish_control_both_label All publishing
0x178F00FC publish_control_both_help Enable Publish on TDMA and token-passing data-link layers.
0x178F00FD hart_command_expansion_label HART Command Expansion
0x178F00FE hart_command_expansion_help 31 (0x1F) or LSB of the Publish data command number.
0x178F00FF device_variable_code_0_label Device variable code 0
0x178F0100 device_variable_code_0_help Device variable code assigned to Slot 0, value 250 for unused slot
0x178F0101 device_variable_code_1_label Device variable code 1
0x178F0102 device_variable_code_1_help Device variable code assigned to Slot 1, value 250 for unused slot
0x178F0103 device_variable_code_2_label Device variable code 2
0x178F0104 device_variable_code_2_help Device variable code assigned to Slot 2, value 250 for unused slot
0x178F0105 device_variable_code_3_label Device variable code 3
0x178F0106 device_variable_code_3_help Device variable code assigned to Slot 3, value 250 for unused slot
0x178F0107 device_variable_code_4_label Device variable code 4
0x178F0108 device_variable_code_4_help Device variable code assigned to Slot 4, value 250 for unused slot
0x178F0109 device_variable_code_5_label Device variable code 5
RefID Label Description