RefID Label Description
0x178F0074 hart_5v_help Digital form of the HART 5th value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F0075 hart_6v_label HART 6th Value
0x178F0076 hart_6v_help Digital form of the HART 6th value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F0077 hart_7v_label HART 7th Value
0x178F0078 hart_7v_help Digital form of the HART 7th value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F0079 hart_8v_label HART 8th Value
0x178F007A hart_8v_help Digital form of the HART 8th value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F007B hart_lrl_label HART Lower Range Limit
0x178F007C hart_lrl_help HART device lower range limit value obtained from the device. Used for the 4mA value of the 4-to-20mA conversion. User must change via HART configuration tool.
0x178F007D hart_url_label HART Upper Range Limit
0x178F007E hart_url_help HART device upper range limit value obtained from the device. Used for the 4mA value of the 4-to-20mA conversion. User must change via HART configuration tool.
0x178F007F var_units9_entry_label Variable Units 9 Array Entry
0x178F0080 var_units9_entry_help Variable Units 9 Array Entry.
0x178F0081 var_units9_label Variable Units 9 Array
0x178F0082 var_units9_help This is an array of the Fieldbus Foundation units codes corresponding to the HART units codes for each of up to 9 variables.
0x178F0083 var_names9_entry_label Variable Names 9 Array Entry
0x178F0084 var_names9_entry_help Variable Names 9 Array Entry.
0x178F0085 var_names9_label Variable Names 9 Array
0x178F0086 var_names9_help This is an array of the names of the HART device variables.
0x178F0087 hart_com_stat_failed_label 0: Failed
0x178F0088 hart_com_stat_failed_help Communication with the HART device has failed.
0x178F0089 hart_com_stat_timedout_label 1: Timed out
0x178F008A hart_com_stat_timedout_help Communication with the HART device has timed out.
0x178F008B hart_com_stat_online_label 2: On-line
0x178F008C hart_com_stat_online_help Communication with the HART device is OK.
0x178F008D hart_com_stat_reset_label 3: Reset
0x178F008E hart_com_stat_reset_help Communication with the HART device has been reset.
0x178F008F rio_hart_xdcr_block_label RIO HART Transducer
0x178F0090 rio_hart_xdcr_block_help Provides the needed Fieldbus Foundation parameter access to operate a Wired HART device.
0x178F0091 rio_hart_xdcr_view_1 RIO HART Transducer View 1
0x178F0092 rio_hart_xdcr_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x178F0093 rio_hart_xdcr_view_2 RIO HART Transducer View 2
0x178F0094 rio_hart_xdcr_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
0x178F0095 rio_hart_xdcr_view_3 RIO HART Transducer View 3
0x178F0096 rio_hart_xdcr_view_3_help View object defined to access all dynamic parameters of a block.
0x178F0097 rio_hart_xdcr_view_4 RIO HART Transducer View 4
0x178F0098 rio_hart_xdcr_view_4_help View object defined to access static parameters not included in VIEW 2.
0x178F0099 rio_h1_xdcr_block RIO H1 Transducer
0x178F009A rio_h1_xdcr_block_help RIO H1 Module Transducer Help.
0x178F009B rio_h1_xdcr_view_1 RIO H1 Transducer View 1
0x178F009C rio_h1_xdcr_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x178F009D rio_h1_xdcr_view_2 RIO H1 Transducer View 2
0x178F009E rio_h1_xdcr_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
0x178F009F rio_h1_xdcr_view_3 RIO H1 Transducer View 3
0x178F00A0 rio_h1_xdcr_view_3_help View object defined to access all dynamic parameters of a block.
0x178F00A1 rio_h1_xdcr_view_4 RIO H1 Transducer View 4
0x178F00A2 rio_h1_xdcr_view_4_help View object defined to access static parameters not included in VIEW 2.
0x178F00A3 rio_vfd_xdcr_block RIO Extended VFD Transducer
0x178F00A4 rio_vfd_xdcr_block_help RIO Extended VFD Transducer Help.
0x178F00A5 rio_vfd_xdcr_view_1 RIO Extended VFD Transducer View 1
RefID Label Description