RefID Label Description
0x178F0042 hart_version_help Major revision level of the protocol supported by the device (e.g., 5, 6, 7).
0x178F0043 num_of_process_variables_label Number of Process Variables
0x178F0044 num_of_process_variables_help The maximum number of objects (variables) that would be accessed from the device.The value of this parameter indicates the last variable code that a host application can expect to find in the device. User will configure this element per his usage.
0x178F0045 dd_revision_label DD Revision
0x178F0046 dd_revision_help DD Revision
0x178F0047 device_revision_label Device Revision
0x178F0048 device_revision_help The HART revision level of the device, assigned by the manufacturer.
0x178F0049 device_type_label Device Type
0x178F004A device_type_help An integer indicating the manufacturer's type of the device, i.e., the product name as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 1. The value for this parameter needs to be entered by the user using information in the device manual or reading data from HART_ACTL_DEV_INFO.
0x178F004B manufacture_id_label Manufacture ID
0x178F004C manufacture_id_help An integer indicating the manufacturer's identification code as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 8. The value for this parameter needs to be entered by the user using information in the device manual or reading data from HART_ACTL_DEV_INFO.
0x178F004D hart_expd_dev_info_label HART Expected Device Information
0x178F004E hart_expd_dev_info_help Expected HART Device information for use by asset management host and configuration host for DD location and display validity in off-line mode.
0x178F004F hart_actl_dev_info_label HART Actual Device Information
0x178F0050 hart_actl_dev_info_help Actual HART Device information for use by asset management host and configuration host for DD location and display validity in online mode.
0x178F0051 hart_cmd_entry_label HART Command Array Entry
0x178F0052 hart_cmd_entry_help HART Command Array Entry.
0x178F0053 hart_resp_entry_label Hart Response Array Entry
0x178F0054 hart_resp_entry_help Hart Response Array Entry.
0x178F0055 hart_cmd_label HART Command Array
0x178F0056 hart_cmd_help HART digital protocol command buffer for use by asset management host.
0x178F0057 hart_resp_label Hart Response Array
0x178F0058 hart_resp_help HART digital protocol response buffer for use by asset management host.
0x178F0059 hart_ind_label HART Indicator
0x178F005A hart_ind_help HART response available indicator. An alert object for notifying an asset managing host.
0x178F005B hart_com_stat_label HART Communication Status
0x178F005C hart_com_stat_help HART communication status (idle, writing, awaiting response, receiving, timed-out, completed, operator reset).
0x178F005D hart_diag_map_entry_label HART Diagnostic Map Entry
0x178F005E hart_diag_map_entry_help HART Diagnostic Map Entry
0x178F005F hart_diag_map_label HART Diagnostic Map Array
0x178F0060 hart_diag_map_help An array of 32 unsigned8 indicating the source diagmostic bit for each of 32 bits in the Field Diagnostic Unsigned32 bit-string. Value references HART command48 response as 'w' X 10+ 'b' where 'w' indicates the relative returned command 48 byte (0-to-24) and 'b' indicates the relative bit (0-to-7).
0x178F0061 hart_tstamp_label HART Time Stamp
0x178F0062 hart_tstamp_help Time stamp of the last update of digital HART variables.
0x178F0063 hart_bad_tmout_label HART Bad Timeout
0x178F0064 hart_bad_tmout_help Time interval, in seconds, to wait for an update of the digital HART variables before changing the status to Bad/No_Comm. A zero means 'do not timeout'.
0x178F0065 hart_unc_tmout_label HART Uncertain Timeout
0x178F0066 hart_unc_tmout_help Time interval, in seconds, to wait for an update of the digital HART variables before changing the status to Unc/Last Usable Value. A zero means 'do not timeout'.
0x178F0067 hart_var_codes8_entry_label
0x178F0068 hart_var_codes8_entry_help
0x178F0069 hart_var_codes8_label HART Variable Codes 8
0x178F006A hart_var_codes8_help HART Device Variable Code for process data variables (HART_PV, HART_SV, HART_TV, HART_QV, HART_5V, HART_6V, HART_7V, HART_8V). Value 255 for an element from this array means no HART variable is associated with the related process data variable.
0x178F006B hart_pv_label HART Primary Value
0x178F006C hart_pv_help Digital form of the HART primary value.
0x178F006D hart_sv_label HART Secondary Value
0x178F006E hart_sv_help Digital form of the HART secondary value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F006F hart_tv_label HART Tertiary Value
0x178F0070 hart_tv_help Digital form of the HART tertiary value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F0071 hart_qv_label HART 4th Value
0x178F0072 hart_qv_help Digital form of the HART 4th value. Status of 'Bad/No_Connected' if unused.
0x178F0073 hart_5v_label HART 5th Value
RefID Label Description