RefID Label Description
0x178F0010 error_status_1_help 32 bit value where the bits are set according to the name which raises a DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAME64A.NAME_1.
0x178F0011 error_status_2_label Error Status 2
0x178F0012 error_status_2_help 32 bit value where the bits are set according to the name which raises a DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAME64A.NAME_1.
0x178F0013 process_value_a_label Process Value A
0x178F0014 process_value_a_help The measured analog value and status available to the Function Block.
0x178F0015 process_value_b_label Process Value B
0x178F0016 process_value_b_help The measured analog value and status available to the Function Block.
0x178F0017 h1_vfd_id_1_label H1 VFD ID 1
0x178F0018 h1_vfd_id_1_help The configured H1-VFD which shall be associated with the H1 card.
0x178F0019 h1_vfd_id_2_label H1 VFD ID 2
0x178F001A h1_vfd_id_2_help The configured H1-VFD which shall be associated with the H1 card.
0x178F001B h1_vfd_id_3_label H1 VFD ID 3
0x178F001C h1_vfd_id_3_help The configured H1-VFD which shall be associated with the H1 card.
0x178F001D h1_vfd_id_4_label H1 VFD ID 4
0x178F001E h1_vfd_id_4_help The configured H1-VFD which shall be associated with the H1 card.
0x178F001F process_value_range_a_1_label Process Value Range A 1
0x178F0020 process_value_range_a_help Defines the ends of the associated Process Value, the units of the associated Process Value, and the decimal point position. The engineering units must match the units selected in the parameter XD_SCALE of the Analog Input Block that reads the channel with this value.
0x178F0021 process_value_range_a_2_label Process Value Range A 2
0x178F0022 process_value_range_a_3_label Process Value Range A 3
0x178F0023 process_value_range_a_4_label Process Value Range A 4
0x178F0024 process_value_range_a_5_label Process Value Range A 5
0x178F0025 process_value_range_a_6_label Process Value Range A 6
0x178F0026 process_value_range_a_7_label Process Value Range A 7
0x178F0027 overrng_bad_label Over-range Bad
0x178F0028 overrng_bad_help Value at or above which input status will be bad.
0x178F0029 overrng_unc_label Over-range Uncertain
0x178F002A overrng_unc_help Value at or above which input status will be uncertain.
0x178F002B underrng_unc_label Under-range Uncertain
0x178F002C underrng_unc_help Value at or below which input status will be uncertain.
0x178F002D underrng_bad_label Under-range Bad
0x178F002E underrng_bad_help Value at or below which input status will be bad.
0x178F002F overrng_lim_label Over-range Limit
0x178F0030 overrng_lim_help Output high limit, not to be exceeded.
0x178F0031 underrng_lim_label Under-range Limit
0x178F0032 underrng_lim_help Output low limit, not to be exceeded.
0x178F0033 io_threshold_label IO Threshold
0x178F0034 io_threshold_help Thresholds of over-range and under-range bad and uncertain status indications on input (PRIMARY_VALUE status) and over-range and under-range limits on output for the 4-20mA signal of the HART device.
0x178F0035 io_threshold_a_1_label IO Threshold A 1
0x178F0036 io_threshold_a_2_label IO Threshold A 2
0x178F0037 io_threshold_a_3_label IO Threshold A 3
0x178F0038 io_threshold_a_4_label IO Threshold A 4
0x178F0039 io_threshold_a_5_label IO Threshold A 5
0x178F003A io_threshold_a_6_label IO Threshold A 6
0x178F003B io_threshold_a_7_label IO Threshold A 7
0x178F003C io_threshold_a_8_label IO Threshold A 8
0x178F003D reserved_ds_175_label Reserved DS-175 Element
0x178F003E reserved_ds_175_help Reserved DS-175 Element
0x178F003F hart_medium_label Hart Medium
0x178F0040 hart_medium_help Hart Medium
0x178F0041 hart_version_label HART Version
RefID Label Description