RefID Label Description
0x178E0029 mo_powerup_opts_16_label Powerup Options 16
0x178E002A mo_powerup_opts_16_help Use corresponding fault state value from FSTATE_VAL_16 on restart if set to 1 (for each of 16 output values).
0x178E002B __outm_16_label Output 16
0x178E002C __outm_16_help The 16 primary analog values calculated as a result of executing the function block.
0x178E002D mo_powerup_opts_64_label Multiple Powerup Options 64
0x178E002E mo_powerup_opts_64_help Use corresponding fault state value from FSTATE_VAL_B64 on restart if set to 1 (for each of 64 output values).
0x178E002F __spm_16_label Setpoint 16
0x178E0030 __spm_16_help The 16 analog setpoints of this block.
0x178E0031 __spm_b64_label Setpoint 64
0x178E0032 __spm_b64_help The 64 binary setpoints of this block.
0x178E0033 __spm_b64_values_label Setpoint Values 64
0x178E0034 __spm_b64_values_help The binary values for the 64 setpoints of this block.
0x178E0035 mai16_block Multiple Analog Input 16
0x178E0036 mai16_block_help The Multiple Analog Input 16 (MAI16) block takes the transducer data, selected by channel tag, and makes it available to other function blocks at its output.
0x178E0037 mai16_view_1 Multiple Analog Input 16 View 1
0x178E0038 mai16_view_1_help Multiple Analog Input 16 View 1 Help
0x178E0039 mai16_view_2 Multiple Analog Input 16 View 2
0x178E003A mai16_view_2_help Multiple Analog Input 16 View 2 Help
0x178E003B mai16_view_3 Multiple Analog Input 16 View 3
0x178E003C mai16_view_3_help Multiple Analog Input 16 View 3 Help
0x178E003D mai16_view_4 Multiple Analog Input 16 View 4
0x178E003E mai16_view_4_help Multiple Analog Input 16 View 4 Help
0x178E003F mao16_block Multiple Analog Output 16
0x178E0040 mao16_block_help The Multiple Analog Output 16 (MAO16) block takes function block data and maps it through channel tag to transducer blocks.
0x178E0041 mao16_view_1 Multiple Analog Output 16 View 1
0x178E0042 mao16_view_1_help Multiple Analog Output 16 View 1 Help
0x178E0043 mao16_view_2 Multiple Analog Output 16 View 2
0x178E0044 mao16_view_2_help Multiple Analog Output 16 View 2 Help
0x178E0045 mao16_view_3 Multiple Analog Output 16 View 3
0x178E0046 mao16_view_3_help Multiple Analog Output 16 View 3 Help
0x178E0047 mao16_view_4 Multiple Analog Output 16 View 4
0x178E0048 mao16_view_4_help Multiple Analog Output 16 View 4 Help
0x178E0049 mbi64_block Multiple Binary Input 64
0x178E004A mbi64_block_help The Multiple Binary Input 64 (MBI64) block takes the transducer data, selected by channel tag, and makes it available to other function blocks at its output.
0x178E004B mbi64_view_1 Multiple Binary Input 64 View 1
0x178E004C mbi64_view_1_help Multiple Binary Input 64 View 1 Help
0x178E004D mbi64_view_2 Multiple Binary Input 64 View 2
0x178E004E mbi64_view_2_help Multiple Binary Input 64 View 2 Help
0x178E004F mbi64_view_3 Multiple Binary Input 64 View 3
0x178E0050 mbi64_view_3_help Multiple Binary Input 64 View 3 Help
0x178E0051 mbi64_view_4 Multiple Binary Input 64 View 4
0x178E0052 mbi64_view_4_help Multiple Binary Input 64 View 4 Help
0x178E0053 mbo64_block Multiple Binary Output 64
0x178E0054 mbo64_block_help The Multiple Binary Output 64 (MBO64) block takes function block data and maps it through channel tag to transducer blocks.
0x178E0055 mbo64_view_1 Multiple Binary Output 64 View1
0x178E0056 mbo64_view_1_help Multiple Binary Output 64 View 1 Help
0x178E0057 mbo64_view_2 Multiple Binary Output 64 View 2
0x178E0058 mbo64_view_2_help Multiple Binary Output 64 View 2 Help
0x178E0059 mbo64_view_3 Multiple Binary Output 64 View 3
0x178E005A mbo64_view_3_help Multiple Binary Output 64 View 3 help
RefID Label Description