RefID Label Description
0x1789001A flow_totalizer_block_help Flow Totalizer Block
0x1789001B ft_view_1 Flow Transducer View 1
0x1789001C ft_view_1_help Flow Transducer View 1
0x1789001D ft_view_2 Flow Transducer View 2
0x1789001E ft_view_2_help Flow Transducer View 2
0x1789001F ft_view_3 Flow Transducer View 3
0x17890020 ft_view_3_help Flow Transducer View 3
0x17890021 ft_view_4 Flow Transducer View 4
0x17890022 ft_view_4_help Flow Transducer View 4
0x178E0000 section_6030
0x178E0001 reserved3_r_label Reserved
0x178E0002 reserved3_r_help This field is reserved for future use
0x178E0003 bkcal_outm_16_label BkCal Out 16
0x178E0004 bkcal_outm_16_help The output value and status provided to an upstream block for output tracking when the loop is broken or limited, as determined by the status bits. This information is used to provide bumpless transfer to closed loop control and to prevent windup under limited conditions when that becomes possible.
0x178E0005 bkcal_outm__b64_label BkCal Out Binary 64
0x178E0006 bkcal_outm__b64_help The output value and status provided to an upstream block for output tracking when the loop is broken or limited, as determined by the status bits. This information is used to provide bumpless transfer to closed loop control and to prevent windup under limited conditions when that becomes possible.
0x178E0007 __bkcal_outm_b64_value_label Values
0x178E0008 __bkcal_outm_b64_value_help The 64 binary output values
0x178E0009 __cas_inm_16_label Cas In 16
0x178E000A __cas_inm_16_help This parameter is the remote setpoint value, which must come from another Fieldbus block, or a DCS block through a defined link.
0x178E000B __cas_inm_b64_label Cas In Binary 64
0x178E000C __cas_inm_b64_help This parameter is the remote setpoint value, which must come from another Fieldbus block, or a DCS block through a defined link.
0x178E000D __cas_inm_b64_values_label Values
0x178E000E __cas_inm_b64_values_help The 64 binary cascade input values
0x178E000F channel_tag_elem Channel Tag Element
0x178E0010 channel_tag_elem_help TAG of one I/O point to be mapped with the TAG in the I/O transducer block. Blank Tag means no association with I/O transducer block.
0x178E0011 channel_tag_32a_label Channel Tag 64a
0x178E0012 channel_tag_32a_help TAGs of the first 32 I/O points to be mapped with Tags in the I/O transducer block. Blank Tag means no association with I/O transducer block. The blocks MAP_MM_* parameter indicates if any Tags specified here are not found in a transducer block or if an output Tag is specified in more than one CHANNEL_TAG_* parameter.
0x178E0013 channel_tag_32b_label Channel Tag 64b
0x178E0014 channel_tag_32b_help TAGs of the second 32 I/O points to be mapped with Tags in the I/O transducer block. Blank Tag means no association with I/O transducer block. The blocks MAP_MM_* parameter indicates if any Tags specified here are not found in a transducer block or if an output Tag is specified in more than one CHANNEL_TAG_* parameter.
0x178E0015 channel_tag_16_label Channel Tag 16
0x178E0016 channel_tag_16_help TAGs of the I/O point to be mapped with TAGs in the I/O transducer block. Blank Tag means no association with I/O transducer block. The blocks MAP_MM_* parameter indicates if any Tags specified here are not found in a transducer block or if an output Tag is specified in more than one CHANNEL_TAG_* parameter.
0x178E0017 fstate_st_16_label FState State 16
0x178E0018 fstate_st_16_help Shows which points are in fault state. A 1 in bit N indicates that point N+1 is in fault state.
0x178E0019 fstate_st_64_label FState State 64
0x178E001A fstate_st_64_help Shows which points are in fault state. A 1 in bit N indicates that point N+1 is in fault state.
0x178E001B fstate_val_b64_label FState Binary Value 64
0x178E001C fstate_val_b64_help The preset binary values to use when failure occurs in CAS_IN_B64. Ignored for bit N if the corresponding \"Fault state to value n\" bit in the MO_OPTS_64 parameter is false.
0x178E001D fstate_val_16_label FState Value 16
0x178E001E fstate_val_16_help The preset analog values to use when failure occurs in CAS_IN_16. Ignored for input \"n\" if the \"Fault state to value n\" bit (\"n-1\") in the MO_OPTS_16 parameter is false.
0x178E001F map_mm_16_label Mapping Mismatch 16
0x178E0020 map_mm_16_help Shows which of 16 points are in Tag mismatching error. A \"1\" in bit \"n\" indicates that point \"n+1\" cannot be found in a transducer block.
0x178E0021 map_mm_64_label Mapping Mismatch 64
0x178E0022 map_mm_64_help Shows which of 64 points are in Tag mismatching error. A \"1\" in bit \"n\" indicates that point \"n+1\" cannot be found in a transducer block.
0x178E0023 mo_fstate_opts_16_label Multi Output FaultState Opts 16
0x178E0024 mo_fstate_opts_16_help The output action to take when fault occurs for each of 16 output values. (0: Freeze, 1: Go to preset fault state value in FSTATE_VAL_*)
0x178E0025 mo_fstate_opts_64_label Multiple Output Options 64
0x178E0026 mo_fstate_opts_64_help Bitstring option for MBO-64 outputs. Utilizes corresponding value in FSTATE_VAL_B64 for fault state if set to 1.
0x178E0027 force_enb_16_label Force Enable 16
0x178E0028 force_enb_16_help Controls the updating of each of the 16 analog points when the block is in AUTO mode. A value of 1 will stop the updating of the corresponding input/output point.
RefID Label Description