RefID Label Description
0x1790007F alert_process_related_help Enables the gateway to pass through Control Process Related Alert indication from the ISA100.11a device.
0x17900080 alert_device_related_label Device Related
0x17900081 alert_device_related_help Enables the gateway to pass through Device Related Alert indication from the ISA100.11a device.
0x17900082 event_for_11a_alert_label Event for 11a Alert
0x17900083 event_for_11a_alert_help Content of an alert reported by an ISA100.11a field device and subscribed by the gateway.
0x17900084 fp_event_state_label Event State
0x17900085 fp_event_state_help A discrete enumeration which gives an indication of whether the event has been reported.
0x17900086 fp_sub_code_label Sub Code
0x17900087 fp_sub_code_help Contains the value of the Foreign Protocol communication status.
0x17900088 fp_message_label Message
RefID Label Description