RefID Label Description
0x178F0146 dup_var_name_def_32_help A 32 bit bit string where the bits are set according to DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES32.NAME1.
0x178F0147 dup_var_name_def_64_label Duplicate Variable Name Definition 64
0x178F0148 dup_var_name_def_64_help A 32 bit bitstring where the bits are set according to the name which raises a DUPLICATE_TAG_ERROR. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES64A.NAME_1. MSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES64B.NAME_32. Refer to FF-890-1.2 Function Block Application Part 1, section 5.2 for definition of LSB and MSB in Bit String.
0x178F0149 process_value_b_33_label Process Value B 33
0x178F014A process_value_b_34_label Process Value B 34
0x178F014B process_value_b_35_label Process Value B 35
0x178F014C process_value_b_36_label Process Value B 36
0x178F014D process_value_b_37_label Process Value B 37
0x178F014E process_value_b_38_label Process Value B 38
0x178F014F process_value_b_39_label Process Value B 39
RefID Label Description