RefID Label Description
0x178F0132 hart_burst_ctrl_2_help Data structure that describes burst control information configured in a HART device.
0x178F0133 hart_burst_ctrl_3_label HART Burst Control 3
0x178F0134 hart_burst_ctrl_3_help Data structure that describes burst control information configured in a HART device.
0x178F0135 hart_burst_ctrl_4_label HART Burst Control 4
0x178F0136 hart_burst_ctrl_4_help Data structure that describes burst control information configured in a HART device.
0x178F0137 var_dir_entry_label Var Dir Entry
0x178F0138 var_dir_entry_help Var Dir Entry
0x178F0139 var_dir4_label Variable Direction 4
0x178F013A var_dir4_help This is an array of a 1-octet enumeration with 4 elements, defining the direction of each variable.
0x178F013B var_dir8_label Variable Direction 8
RefID Label Description