RefID Label Description
0x17450053 valve_man_id_label Valve Manufacturer Id
0x17450054 valve_man_id_help The valve manufacturer's identification number as defined by the Fieldbus Foundation.
0x17450055 valve_model_num_label Valve Model Number
0x17450056 valve_model_num_help The valve model number
0x17450057 valve_sn_label Valve Serial Number
0x17450058 valve_sn_help The valve serial number.
0x17450059 vapor_temp_label Vapor Temperature
0x1745005A vapor_temp_help The temperature of the vapor above the product in the tank.
0x1745005B velocity_unit_label Velocity Unit
0x1745005C velocity_unit_help The units code index for the engineering unit descriptor for the propagation velocity.
RefID Label Description