RefID Label Description
0x17900020 n_io_supported_help Number of IO_N parameter supported by this transducer block.
0x17900021 device_tag_label Device Tag
0x17900022 device_tag_help Device Tag assigned to the device by user, set 0(zero) if none.
0x17900023 uap_id_label UAP ID
0x17900024 uap_id_help
0x17900025 object_id_label Object ID
0x17900026 object_id_help
0x17900027 attribute_id_label Attribute ID
0x17900028 attribute_id_help
0x17900029 attribute_index1_label Attribute Index 1
0x1790002A attribute_index1_help
0x1790002B attribute_index2_label Attribute Index 2
0x1790002C attribute_index2_help
0x1790002D var_name_label Var Name
0x1790002E var_name_help IO point user tag.
0x1790002F unit_index_label Unit Index
0x17900030 unit_index_help Unit of the IO point in the ISA100.11a device. The unit index for BI/BO should be 0(zero).
0x17900031 block_type_label Type
0x17900032 block_type_help Type of the ISA100.11a block.
0x17900033 io_analog_status_label Analog Value Status
0x17900034 io_analog_status_help Analog value status of IO point for AI/AO in the ISA100.11a device.
0x17900035 io_analog_value_label Analog Value
0x17900036 io_analog_value_help Analog value of IO point for AI/AO in the ISA100.11a device.
0x17900037 io_binary_status_label Binary Value Status
0x17900038 io_binary_status_help Binary value status of the IO point for BI/BO in the ISA100.11a device.
RefID Label Description