RefID Label Description
0x178F016E expd_dev_rev_help Expected Device Revision is a parameter that the configuration tool expects to describe the VFD referred to by VFD_REF. The actual values can be determined by accessing the resource block of the VFD referred to via VFD_REF. If there is a mismatch, it shall also be reflected in the ELEM_MISMAT_xx as described in FF-061.
0x178F016F expd_dd_rev_label Expected DD Revision
0x178F0170 expd_dd_rev_help Expected DD Revision is a parameter that the configuration tool expects to describe the VFD referred to by VFD_REF. The actual values can be determined by accessing the resource block of the VFD referred to via VFD_REF. If there is a mismatch, it shall also be reflected in the ELEM_MISMAT_xx as described in FF-061.
0x178F0171 vfd_ref_label VFD Reference
0x178F0172 vfd_ref_help The current FBAP VFD Ref, as defined in FF589, chapter 6.2.4 VFD list.
0x178F0173 process_value_range_a_8_label Process Value Range A 8
0x178F0174 process_value_range_a_9_label Process Value Range A 9
0x178F0175 process_value_range_a_10_label Process Value Range A 10
0x178F0176 process_value_range_a_11_label Process Value Range A 11
0x178F0177 process_value_range_a_12_label Process Value Range A 12
0x178F0178 process_value_range_a_13_label Process Value Range A 13
0x178F0179 process_value_range_a_14_label Process Value Range A 14
0x178F017A process_value_range_a_15_label Process Value Range A 15
0x178F017B process_value_range_a_16_label Process Value Range A 16
0x178F017C io_threshold_a_9_label IO Threshold A 9
0x178F017D io_threshold_a_10_label IO Threshold A 10
0x178F017E io_threshold_a_11_label IO Threshold A 11
0x178F017F io_threshold_a_12_label IO Threshold A 12
0x178F0180 io_threshold_a_13_label IO Threshold A 13
0x178F0181 io_threshold_a_14_label IO Threshold A 14
0x178F0182 io_threshold_a_15_label IO Threshold A 15
0x178F0183 io_threshold_a_16_label IO Threshold A 16
0x178F0184 __outm_b64_label Output Binary 64
0x178F0185 __outm_b64_help The64 primary binary values calculated as a result of executing the function block.
0x178F0186 force_enb_b64_label Force Enable Binary 64
0x178F0187 force_enb_b64_help Controls the updating of each of the 64 Boolean points when the block is in AUTO mode. A value of 1 will stop the updating of the corresponding input/output point.
0x178F0188 force_val_b64_label Force Value Binary 64
0x178F0189 force_val_b64_help Supplies the value(s) for each of the 64 Boolean points when corresponding bits in FORCE_ENB_B64 are set to 1 in AUTO mode.
0x178F018A dup_var_name_def_9_label Duplicate Var Name Definition 9
0x178F018B dup_var_name_def_9_help A 16 bit bit string for indications of multiply defined tags for each field point defined in VAR_NAMES9. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES9.NAME1.
0x178F018C enumerated enumerated
0x178F018D hart_address_label HART Address
0x178F018E hart_address_help Address assigned to the device by the HART network manager. '0' if none.
0x178F018F hart_device_type_label HART Device Type
0x178F0190 hart_device_type_help An enumeration indicating the manufacturer?s type of the device, i.e., the product name as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 1.
0x178F0191 hart_manufacturer_id_label HART Manufacturer ID
0x178F0192 hart_manufacturer_id_help An enumeration indicating the manufacturer?s identification code as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 8.
0x178F0193 hart_distributor_id_label HART Distributor ID
0x178F0194 hart_distributor_id_help An integer indicating the private label manufacturer that distributed the device as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 8. The value for this parameter needs to be entered by the user using information in the device manual or reading data from HART_ACTL_DEV_INFO.
0x178F0195 hart_device_profile_label HART Device Profile
0x178F0196 hart_device_profile_help An integer specifying the class to which the device belongs as specified in HCF_SPEC-183 Table 57. The value for this parameter needs to be entered by the user using information in the device manual or reading data from HART_ACTL_DEV_INFO
0x178F0197 hart_device_id_label HART Device ID
0x178F0198 hart_device_id_help Serial number for the device. The manufacturer is required to assign a unique value for every device within a given Manufacturer ID and Device Type.
0x178F0199 response_code_label Response Code
0x178F019A response_code_help Contains the value of the Foreign Protocol communication status, in the Transducer Block for HART Device (TB-HART) the communication status is given by HART_COM_STAT parameter.
0x178F019B response_message_label Response Message
0x178F019C response_message_help Contains the value of the Foreign Protocol response, in the Transducer Block for HART Device (TB-HART) the repsonse is given by HART_RESP parameter.
0x178F019D var_dir9_entry_label Var Dir 9 Array Entry
0x178F019E var_dir9_Entry_help Var Dir 9 Array Entry
0x178F019F seconds seconds
RefID Label Description