0x178F0182 |
io_threshold_a_15_label |
IO Threshold A 15 |
0x178F0183 |
io_threshold_a_16_label |
IO Threshold A 16 |
0x178F0184 |
__outm_b64_label |
Output Binary 64 |
0x178F0185 |
__outm_b64_help |
The64 primary binary values calculated as a result of executing the function block. |
0x178F0186 |
force_enb_b64_label |
Force Enable Binary 64 |
0x178F0187 |
force_enb_b64_help |
Controls the updating of each of the 64 Boolean points when the block is in AUTO mode. A value of 1 will stop the updating of the corresponding input/output point. |
0x178F0188 |
force_val_b64_label |
Force Value Binary 64 |
0x178F0189 |
force_val_b64_help |
Supplies the value(s) for each of the 64 Boolean points when corresponding bits in FORCE_ENB_B64 are set to 1 in AUTO mode. |
0x178F018A |
dup_var_name_def_9_label |
Duplicate Var Name Definition 9 |
0x178F018B |
dup_var_name_def_9_help |
A 16 bit bit string for indications of multiply defined tags for each field point defined in VAR_NAMES9. LSB signals an error of VAR_NAMES9.NAME1. |