RefID Label Description
0x17900039 io_binary_value_label Binary Value
0x1790003A io_binary_value_help Binary value of the IO point for BI/BO in the ISA100.11a device.
0x1790003B expd_object_type_id_label Expected Object Type ID
0x1790003C actl_object_type_id_label Actual Object Type ID
0x1790003D object_type_id_help Object Type Identification.
0x1790003E expd_object_subtype_id_label Expected Object Subtype ID
0x1790003F actl_object_subtype_id_label Actual Object Subtype ID
0x17900040 object_subtype_id_help Object Subtype Identification.
0x17900041 expd_vendor_subtype_id_label Expected Vendor Subtype ID
0x17900042 actl_vendor_subtype_id_label Actual Vendor Subtype ID
0x17900043 vendor_subtype_id_help Vendor Subtype Identification.
0x17900044 io_n_label ISA100.11a IO
0x17900045 io_n_help Data structure that describes location information of an IO point in an ISA100.11a device.
0x17900046 data_size_label Data Size
0x17900047 data_size_help Size of the Request Message in bytes.
0x17900048 protocol_version_label Protocol Version
0x17900049 protocol_version_help Type of ISA100.11a Protocol Revision.
0x1790004A request_message_label Request Message
0x1790004B request_message_help Request message for native read, write and execute requests.
0x1790004C cs_req_label Foreign Protocol Request
0x1790004D cs_req_help Data structure that describes Foreign Protocol Device Request information of an ISA100.11a device.
0x1790004E cs_ind_label Foreign Protocol Indication
0x1790004F cs_ind_help Data structure that describes Foreign Protocol Response Indications alarms status.
0x17900050 cs_ind_pri_label Indication Priority
0x17900051 cs_ind_pri_help Priority of the response indication on HSE.
RefID Label Description