RefID Label Description
0x1745002B lin_type_label Linerization Type
0x1745002C lin_type_help The linerization type used to describe the behavior of the sensor output.
0x1745002D module_sn_label Module Serial Number
0x1745002E module_sn_help The module serial number.
0x1745002F primary_value_label Primary Value
0x17450030 primary_value_help The measured value and status available to the Function Block.
0x17450031 primary_value_range_label Primary Value Range
0x17450032 primary_value_range_help The High and Low range limit values, the engineering units code and the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to be used to display the Primary Value.
0x17450033 primary_value_type_label Primary Value Type
0x17450034 primary_value_type_help The type of measurement represented by the primary value. For Example: Mass Flow, Absolute Pressure, Differential Temperature.
0x17450035 sensor_cal_date_label Sensor Calibration Date
0x17450036 sensor_cal_date_help The date of the last sensor calibration.
0x17450037 sensor_cal_loc_label Sensor Calibration Location
0x17450038 sensor_cal_loc_help The last physical location at which the sensor was calibrated. (ex. Acme Labs)
0x17450039 sensor_cal_method_label Sensor Calibration method
0x1745003A sensor_cal_method_help The method of last sensor calibration. It could be one of the several standard calibration methods defined by ISO or some other method.
0x1745003B sensor_connection_label Sensor Connection
0x1745003C sensor_connection_help The number of wires for the temperature probe.
0x1745003D sensor_fill_fluid_label Sensor Fill Fluid
0x1745003E sensor_fill_fluid_help Defines the type of fluid used in the sensor.
0x1745003F sensor_isolator_mtl_label Sensor Isolator Metal
0x17450040 sensor_isolator_mtl_help Defines the construction material of the isolating diaphragms.
0x17450041 sensor_range_label Sensor Range
0x17450042 sensor_range_help The High and Low range limit values, the engineering units code and the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the sensor.
0x17450043 sensor_sn_label Sensor Serial Number
0x17450044 sensor_sn_help The sensor serial number.
0x17450045 sensor_temp_label Sensor Temperature
0x17450046 sensor_temp_help The auxilary values used within the measurement transducer.Ex, sensor temperature used for measurement compensation.
0x17450047 sensor_temp_unit_label Sensor Temperature Unit
0x17450048 sensor_temp_unit_help The engineering units used for the sensor temperature measurement.
0x17450049 sensor_type_label Sensor Type
0x1745004A sensor_type_help The type of sensor.
0x1745004B servo_gain_label Servo Gain
0x1745004C servo_gain_help The servo PID gain value.
0x1745004D servo_rate_label Servo Rate
0x1745004E servo_rate_help The servo PID rate value.
0x1745004F servo_reset_label Servo Reset
0x17450050 servo_reset_help The servo PID reset value.
0x17450051 transducer_directory_label Transducer Directory Entry
0x17450052 transducer_directory_help A directory that specifies the number and starting indices of the data collections in the transducer block.
0x17450053 valve_man_id_label Valve Manufacturer Id
0x17450054 valve_man_id_help The valve manufacturer's identification number as defined by the Fieldbus Foundation.
0x17450055 valve_model_num_label Valve Model Number
0x17450056 valve_model_num_help The valve model number
0x17450057 valve_sn_label Valve Serial Number
0x17450058 valve_sn_help The valve serial number.
0x17450059 vapor_temp_label Vapor Temperature
0x1745005A vapor_temp_help The temperature of the vapor above the product in the tank.
0x1745005B velocity_unit_label Velocity Unit
0x1745005C velocity_unit_help The units code index for the engineering unit descriptor for the propagation velocity.
RefID Label Description