RefID Label Description
0x17450157 gauge_press_label gauge pressure
0x17450158 gauge_press_help
0x17450159 absolute_press_label absolute pressure
0x1745015A absolute_press_help
0x1745015B linear_label Linear
0x1745015C linear_help
0x1745015D rotary_label Rotary
0x1745015E rotary_help
0x1745015F collection_directory_label Collection Directory
0x17450160 collection_directory_help A directory that specifies the number, starting indicies, and DD Item IDs of the data collections in each transducer within a transducer block.
0x17450161 final_value_cutoff_hi_label Final Value Hi Cutoff
0x17450162 final_value_cutoff_hi_help If the FINAL_VALUE is more positive than this value, the value is forced to its maximum high value (fully opened).
0x17450163 final_value_cutoff_lo_label Final Value Lo Cutoff
0x17450164 final_value_cutoff_lo_help If the FINAL_VALUE is more negative than this value, the value is forced to its maximum low value (fully closed).
0x17450165 secondary_value_label Secondary Value
0x17450166 secondary_value_help The secondary value related to the sensor.
0x17450167 secondary_value_unit_label Secondary Value Unit
0x17450168 secondary_value_unit_help The engineering units to be used with SECONDARY_VALUE.
0x17450169 snsr_cal_date_label Sensor Calibration Date
0x1745016A snsr_cal_date_help The date of the last sensor calibration.
0x1745016B sensor_cal_who_label Sensor Calibration Who
0x1745016C sensor_cal_who_help The name of the person responsible for the last sensor calibration.
0x1745016D sensor_offset_label Sensor Offset
0x1745016E sensor_offset_help The distance from the sensor reference point to the top of the tank.
0x1745016F valve_type_label Valve Type
0x17450170 valve_type_help The type of the valve as defined in TN-016.
0x17450171 xd_cal_loc_label Transducer Calibration Location
0x17450172 xd_cal_loc_help The physical location at which the last transducer related calibration was performed. (ex. NIST, AcmeLabs).
0x17450173 xd_cal_date_label Transducer Calibration Date
0x17450174 xd_cal_date_help The date of the last transducer related calibration.
0x17450175 xd_cal_who_label Transducer Calibration Who
0x17450176 xd_cal_who_help The name of the person responsible for the last transducer related calibration.
0x17450177 zero_point_label Zero Point
0x17450178 zero_point_help Offset compensation defining zero flow in the units of primary value
0x17450179 y_value_u_label Y Unsigned Value
0x1745017A y_value_u_help Unsigned integer value used for y axis.
0x1745017B y_value_f_label Y Floating Point Value
0x1745017C y_value_f_help Floating point value used for y axis.
0x1745017D xd_fstate_val_label XD Fault State
0x1745017E xd_fstate_val_help User defined position incase of fault state of transducer.
0x1745017F xd_fstate_val_d_label XD Fault State Value Discrete
0x17450180 xd_fstate_val_d_help User defined discrete position incase of fault state of transducer.
0x17450181 xd_fstate_opt_label XD Fault State Option
0x17450182 xd_fstate_opt_help Defines an action to be taken on a transducer fault state. Enumerations defined in Standard Tables (TN-016).
0x17450183 xd_command_state_label XD Command State
0x17450184 xd_command_state_help The state of the procedure initiated by XD_COMMAND. Enumerations defined in Standard Tables (TN-016).
0x17450185 xd_command_label XD Command
0x17450186 xd_command_help Command to start device-specific procedure. Command value will reset to zero after execution of procedure regardless of value of XD_COMMAND_STATE. Enumerations defined in Standard Tables (TN-016).
0x17450187 xd_command_flags_label XD Command Flags
0x17450188 xd_command_flags_help Manufacturer specific enumerated procedures.
RefID Label Description