RefID Label Description
0x174500F3 config_err_label Configuration error
0x174500F4 config_err_help An error occured during configuration of the device or a configurationerror has been detected during operation of the device.
0x174500F5 elec_fail_label Electronics Failure
0x174500F6 elec_fail_help An electronic component has failed.
0x174500F7 mech_fail_label Mechanical Failure
0x174500F8 mech_fail_help A mechanical component has failed.
0x174500F9 io_fail_label I/O Failure
0x174500FA io_fail_help An I/O failure has occured.
0x174500FB data_integ_err_label Data Integrity Error
0x174500FC data_integ_err_help Indicates that data stored within the system may no longer be valid due to NVM checksum failure, Data verify after write failure, etc.
0x174500FD software_err_label Software Error
0x174500FE software_err_help The software has detected an error. This could be caused by an improper interrupt service routine, and arithmetic overflow, a watchdog timer, etc.
0x174500FF algorithm_err_label Algorithm Error
0x17450100 algorithm_err_help The algorithm used in the transducer block produced an error. This could be due to an overflow, data reasonableness failure, etc.
0x17450101 apv_basic_block Advanced Positioner Valve View
0x17450102 apv_basic_block_help
0x17450103 apvb_view_1 Advanced Positioner View 1
0x17450104 apvb_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x17450105 apvb_view_2 Advanced Positioner View 2
0x17450106 apvb_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
0x17450107 apvb_view_3 Advanced Positioner View 3
0x17450108 apvb_view_3_help View object defined to access all dynamic parameters of a block.
0x17450109 apvb_view_4 Advanced Positioner View 4
0x1745010A apvb_view_4_help View object defined to access static parameters not included in VIEW 2.
0x1745010B bpv_basic_block Basic Positioner Valve Device
0x1745010C bpv_basic_block_help
0x1745010D bpvb_view_1 Basic Positioner View 1
0x1745010E bpvb_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x1745010F bpvb_view_2 Basic Positioner View 2
0x17450110 bpvb_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
0x17450111 bpvb_view_3 Basic Positioner View 3
0x17450112 bpvb_view_3_help View object defined to access all dynamic parameters of a block.
0x17450113 bpvb_view_4 Basic Positioner View 4
0x17450114 bpvb_view_4_help View object defined to access static parameters not included in VIEW 2.
0x17450115 dpv_basic_block Discrete Positioner Valve Access to Basic Device
0x17450116 dpv_basic_block_help
0x17450117 dpvb_view_1 Discrete Positioner View 1
0x17450118 dpvb_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x17450119 dpvb_view_2 Discrete Positioner View 2
0x1745011A dpvb_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
0x1745011B dpvb_view_3 Discrete Positioner View 2
0x1745011C dpvb_view_3_help View object defined to access all dynamic parameters of a block.
0x1745011D dpvb_view_4 Discrete Positioner View 2
0x1745011E dpvb_view_4_help View object defined to access static parameters not included in VIEW 2.
0x1745011F flow_basic_block Flow with Calibration
0x17450120 flow_basic_block_help
0x17450121 fcb_view_1 Flow View 1
0x17450122 fcb_view_1_help View object defined to access the dynamic operating parameters of a block.
0x17450123 fcb_view_2 Flow View 2
0x17450124 fcb_view_2_help View object defined to access the static operating parameters of a block.
RefID Label Description