RefID Label Description
0x1745008F radar_label Radar
0x17450090 radar_help
0x17450091 capacitance_label Capacitance
0x17450092 capacitance_help
0x17450093 nuc_label Nuclear
0x17450094 nuc_help
0x17450095 ultrasonic_label Ultrasonic
0x17450096 ultrasonic_help
0x17450097 float_gauge_label Float gauge
0x17450098 float_gauge_help
0x17450099 pres_snsr_unknown_label Pressure sensor unknown
0x1745009A pres_snsr_unknown_help
0x1745009B res_wire_label Resonant wire
0x1745009C res_wire_help
0x1745009D vib_beam_label Vibrating beam
0x1745009E vib_beam_help
0x1745009F strain_gauge_label Strain gauge
0x174500A0 strain_gauge_help
0x174500A1 piezo_res_label Piezo resistive
0x174500A2 piezo_res_help
0x174500A3 silicon_res_label Silicon resonant
0x174500A4 silicon_res_help
0x174500A5 temp_snsr_unknown_label Temperature sensor unknown
0x174500A6 temp_snsr_unknown_label_help
0x174500A7 pt100_a_385_label PT100_A_385 (IEC 751)
0x174500A8 pt100_a_385_help
0x174500A9 pt100_a_392_label PT100_A_392 (JIS 1604)
0x174500AA pt100_a_392_help
0x174500AB pt200_a_385_label PT200_A_385 (IEC 751)
0x174500AC pt200_a_385_help
0x174500AD pt500_a_385_label PT500_A_385 (IEC 751)
0x174500AE pt500_a_385_help
0x174500AF ni120_label NI120, Edison #7
0x174500B0 ni120_help
0x174500B1 cu10_label CU10, Edison #15
0x174500B2 cu10_help
0x174500B3 tc_typeb_label T/C Type B (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500B4 tc_typeb_help
0x174500B5 tc_typec_label T/C Type C (NIST 175)
0x174500B6 tc_typec_help
0x174500B7 tc_typee_label T/C Type E (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500B8 tc_typee_help
0x174500B9 tc_typej_label T/C Type J (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500BA tc_typej_help
0x174500BB tc_typek_label T/C Type K (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500BC tc_typek_help
0x174500BD tc_typen_label T/C Type N (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500BE tc_typen_help
0x174500BF tc_typer_label T/C Type R (IEC 584-1, and NIST 175)
0x174500C0 tc_typer_help
RefID Label Description