RefID | Label | Description |
0x1790006B | n_events_supported_help | Number of events supported by the gateway. |
0x1790006C | event_pri_for_11a_alert_label | Alert Event Priority |
0x1790006D | event_pri_for_11a_alert_help | Priority of the Alert ISA100.11a Event for all events in the TB. |
0x1790006E | alert_category_11a_label | Alerts Category |
0x1790006F | alert_category_11a_help | Selects the category of the ISA100.11a alerts to be indicated in the TB. |
0x17900070 | event_isa100_alm_value_label | Value |
0x17900071 | event_isa100_alm_value_help | All data returned from ISA100.11a Alert Report Service. |
0x17900072 | event_isa100_alm_label | ISA100.11a Alarm Event |
0x17900073 | event_isa100_alm_help | Data structure that describes ISA100 Event information of an ISA100.11a device. |
0x17900074 | type_initial_val_label | Initial Value |
RefID | Label | Description |